Monday, August 25, 2008

San Francisco Civic Center Victory Garden

The countdown to Slow Food Nation has begun and the garden at Civic Center is in full swing. They are producing an average of 100lbs of produce a week and are donating it to the San Francisco Food Bank. It has been amazing to watch the progress and the change of the overall feeling in the neighborhood, most everyone who sees it comments that they would like it to stay forever.

I have been filming at the garden since they started to remove the sod, it took San Francisco Victory Gardens +08 and a small army of volunteers only two weeks to install the garden (not counting the months that Willow at City Slicker Farms in Oakland took to grow the seedlings...).

This garden has turned out to be a great boon to From the Ground Up, since it embodies everything that the documentary is about. I feel very fortunate that I have been able to document this amazing accomplishment. I will be posting some video podcasts of the garden and gardeners very soon.